Adult Services

Who We Support

We provide tailored support to adults with learning disabilities, autism, behaviours that challenge, brain acquired injury, physical disabilities, associated mental health and other complex needs.

How We Support

We support adults in a supported living environment, in their own homes in the community.

We support individuals to achieve outcomes, this may be once a week for a few hours to access social activities or up to 24 hours a day including sleep in or waking night dependant upon the individual’s needs.

A care and support plan is developed with the individual, families and advocates to achieve outcomes and meet their needs. This may include:

  • Moving and handling
  • Personal care
  • Supporting with finances
  • Shopping and meal planning
  • Cooking and household tasks
  • Work and volunteer opportunities
  • Accessing education
  • Social activities
  • Attending health appointments

You can enquire about Augusta Care’s services via your social worker or contact us directly. We work with local authorities in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire and out of county placements. We also work with individuals with a personal budget or direct payment.

To make a referral please contact the office on 01733 233725.

As an organisation we work closely with our service users to develop our service. We hold monthly service user forums to discuss new ideas and to organise social activities. We welcome guest speakers to engage our group on various topics, to improve their safety and wellbeing and promote the access of groups and services in the local community.

Our quarterly service user led newsletter keeps everyone up to date with company and personal developments and achievements.

In 2018, we introduced our service user champions who are responsible for working alongside the Team Managers in their respective fields such as dignity, safeguarding and medication. They are involved in visiting people that we support in their own homes to gather feedback on the service we provide which in turn is presented to the Board of Directors to continually improve and develop the service user experience.

Our service users are involved in the development and delivery of training to our staff who they themselves complete the training receiving a certificate of completion.

We hold regular social activities at our head office and local venues – we welcome you to follow our social media pages and blog to see what we’re up to.